A.R.T.S.® received two of the ASHS educational materials awards for 2020


A.R.T.S. website recognized for educational merit

The extension division of the American Society for Horticultural Science annually recognizes exceptional educational materials through their awards program. This year A.R.T.S.® received two awards. You can learn more about each of this years award recipients by clicking here.

Regional Press:

Minnesota Nursery and Landscape Association features A.R.T.S.® in the January 2022 edition of their magazine The Scoop. Read the article here.

In a discussion of sustainable roses for the harsh northern climate the A.R.T.S.® Local Artist regional award winners for the Dfb Köppen region are highlighted in the May/June 2020 edition of Northern Gardener. Read the full article here.

Minnesota Nursery and Landscape Association features A.R.T.S.® in their April 2020 edition of their magazine The Scoop. Read the article here.

A.R.T.S.® showcased multiple years the American Society of Horticulture Science Annual Conference

The American Society for Horticulture Science (ASHS) is the premier horticultural scientific organization in North America and links together research scientists, industry, Extension specialists, and educators. Several hundred participants come to the annual conferences to present their research, network, and learn about the cutting edge in horticulture.

We are pleased that our poster proposals highlighting the latest winning roses and program updates have routinely been accepted for us to present the research. Being able to present our posters helped to expand our recognition among industry, Extension specialists, public garden professionals, and Master Gardener coordinators/groups. This conference connected us with great horticultural professionals that now partner with us hosting A.R.T.S.® trial sites in their regions. The conferences are typically in July and at them we present the following year’s winning roses with summarized performance data on the winning roses and the control cultivars they are compared with.

2024 ASHS conference poster

2023 ASHS conference poster

2022 ASHS conference poster

2021 ASHS conference poster

2019 ASHS conference poster

First peer reviewed scientific journal article featuring the work of the A.R.T.S.® program published

This paper was presented at the seventh International Symposium on Rose Research and Cultivation which occurred on July 2-7, 2017 in Angers, France. The symposium was organized by the International Society of Horticulture Science (ISHS) and the paper appears in the ISHS journal Acta Horticulturae. Below is the citation and full title as a link from which the article can be accessed.

ISHS Acta Horticulturae 1232: VII International Symposium on Rose Research and Cultivation:

American Rose Trials for Sustainability® (ARTS®): a new United States rose trialing program for identifying and promoting regionally-adapted roses

An author generated draft version of the article may be accessed by clicking here. This version is for reference only. All citations should be made to the published article in the ISHS journal using the following format:

Hammond, G., Zlesak, D.C., Schwartz, M., Kukielski, P., George, S., Chamblee, M., Nelson, R., Zuzek, K., McLean, K., Freedman, D. and Fink, R. (2019). American Rose Trials for Sustainability® (A.R.T.S.®): a new United States rose trialing program for identifying and promoting regionally-adapted roses. Acta Hortic. 1232, 193-202 The original publication is available at https://doi.org/10.17660/ActaHortic.2019.1232.29